

Rules of the Road (利用規約)

Rules of the roadを遵守の上、データをご利用ください。 本プロジェクトのデータを用いた研究結果を学会や論文等で発表される場合には、事前に必ずプロジェクト及び各観測器チームまでご連絡ください。詳細については、下記のルールを参照ください。

Please use the data in compliance with the Rules of the Road. If you present any results using the Arase satellite data at conferences or in publications, please make sure to contact the ERG/Arase project and each instrument team in advance. For more details, please refer to the following rules.

Rules of the Road for the users of the products from the ERG/Arase Projecat

  1. Users of all level of scientific products from the ERG/Arase project should contact instrument PI team(s), Project Manager (PM), and Project Scientist (PS) before using the data for any presentation and publication. PI(s) / PM (Iku Shinohara, iku at stp.isas.jaxa.jp) / PS (Yoshizumi Miyoshi, miyoshi at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp) may suggest potential coauthor(s) from the ERG/Arase project side for the presentation and publication. Some necessary articles suggested by the PI(s) should be cited.
  2. Users should always use the latest version of data files in CDF provided from the ERG science center for their data analysis, presentation and publications. Redistribution of the data files is strictly prohibited.
  3. Users should send presentation materials and papers including ERG/Arase data to instrument PI team(s), PM, and PS enough before presentation and paper submission, so that sufficient time is available for those responsible for the data to check if the data are properly processed/used and to get necessary comments back to the data users.
  4. Publications that use ERG (Arase) satellite data must cite the project overview paper (Miyoshi, Shinohara et al., Earth Planets Space, DOI:10.1186/s40623-018-0862-0, 2018a) and include the following statement in their Acknowledgements section:
    "Science data of the ERG (Arase) satellite were obtained from the ERG Science Center operated by ISAS/JAXA and ISEE/Nagoya University (https://ergsc.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/index.shtml.en, Miyoshi, Hori et al., Earth Planets Space, DOI:10.1186/s40623-018-0867-8, 2018b)."
  5. The data version(s) and DOI(s) of the Arase and related ground-based data used in the paper must be identified in the Data Availability Statement or the Acknowledgments section, in accordance with the guidelines and/or recommended practices of the journal. If no specific guidelines are available, please include such statement, for example, in the Acknowledgements section,
    "The present study analyzed MGF-L2 8 sec spin-averaged data v01_01 (10.34515/DATA.ERG-06001), HEP-L2 omniflux data v03_01 (10.34515/DATA.ERG-01001), MEP-e-L2 omniflux data v01_01 (10.34515/DATA.ERG-02001), and Orbit L3 v02 data (10.34515/DATA.ERG-12001)"

Rules of the Road specific to each instrument

ERG Data Overview


予測軌道 短期予測軌道 CDF file wiki
中期予測軌道 CDF file
長期予測軌道 CDF file
確定軌道 確定軌道 Level-2 CDF file wiki DOI: 10.34515/DATA.ERG-12000
(Lv.2 definitive orbit data)
確定軌道 Level-3 CDF file DOI: 10.34515/DATA.ERG-12001
(Lv.3 definitive orbit data)

LEPi INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 3-D flux
(Proton, Helium, Oxygen)
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-05000
Lv.2 omniflux data
(Proton, Helium, Oxygen)
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-05001
Lv.3 pitch angle sorted data
(Proton, Helium, Oxygen)
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-05002
LEPe INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 3-D flux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-04001 QL:
Lv.2 3-D flux data
based on fine channels
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-04004
Lv.2 omniflux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-04002
Lv.3 pitch angle distribution data
of electron flux data
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-04003
Lv.3 pitch angle distribution data
of electron flux data
based on fine channels
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-04005
MEPi INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 3-D flux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-03000
Lv.2 omniflux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-03001
Lv.2 TOF data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-03002
Lv.3 3-D flux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-03003
Lv.3 pitch angle sorted flux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-03004
MEPe INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 3-D flux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-02000
Lv.2 omniflux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-02001
Lv.3 3-D flux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-02002
Lv.3 pitch angle sorted flux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-02003
HEP INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 3-D flux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-01000
Lv.2 omniflux data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-01001
Lv.3 pitch angle sorted
electron flux data
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-01002
XEP INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 2-D flux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-00000
Lv.2 omniflux CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-00001
PWE EFD INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 spin-fit electric field data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-07000 QL:



Lv.2 spin-averaged potential data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-07001
Lv.2 potential waveform data CDF file(8Hz)
CDF file(128Hz)
Lv.2 electric field waveform data CDF file

CDF file

CDF file
Lv.2 electric field spectrum data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-07004
OFA INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 power spectrum data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-08000
Lv.2 power spectral matrix data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-08001
Lv.2 complex spectrum data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-08002
Lv.3 wave property data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-08003
WFC INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 electric field waveform data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-09000
Lv.2 magnetic field waveform data 10.34515/DATA.ERG-09001
Lv.2 electric field spectrum data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-09002
Lv.2 magnetic field spectrum data 10.34515/DATA.ERG-09003
HFA INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 spectrum data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-10000
Lv.3 electron density data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-10001
MGF INFO RoR Wiki Lv.2 high-resolution magnetic field data
(64/128/256 Hz)
CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-06000 QL:
Lv.2 8 sec spin-averaged data CDF file 10.34515/DATA.ERG-06001


研究論文等であらせ(ERG)衛星データについて記述される場合は、ERGプロジェクト(Miyoshi et al., 2018a)、ERGサイエンスセンター(Miyoshi et al., 2018b)、使用した機器の論文の他、下記の例に従い、対象となるデータセットのデータ引用を行って頂くようお願い致します。

""... In this study, we used Level-2 TOF data obtained by the MEP-i instrument (Yokota et al., 2017, 2019) and Level-2 spin-average magnetic field data obtained by the MGF instrument (Matsuoka et al., 2018a, 2018b) of the Arase satellite (Miyoshi et al., 2018a). The Level-2 definitive orbit data (Miyoshi et al., 2018) were referred to for the satellite position. .."
Data availability statement や Aknowledgementsでの記載 (MEP-i Lv.2 TOF, MGF Lv.2 8s, and Lv.2 definitive orbit data)
"Science data of the ERG (Arase) satellite were obtained from the ERG Science Center operated by ISAS/JAXA and ISEE/Nagoya University (https://ergsc.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/index.shtml.en, Miyoshi et al., 2018b(#) ). Arase satellite datasets for this research are available in these in-text citation references: Yokota et al. (2019), Matsuoka et al. (2018), and Miyoshi et al. (2018)."
In the data availability statement / acknowledgments: (MEP-i Lv.2 TOF, MGF Lv.2 8s, and Lv.2 definitive orbit data):
"Arase satellite datasets for this research are available in these in-text citation references:
"The present study analyzed MEP Lv.2 TOF v01_01 (10.34515/DATA.ERG-03002), MGF Lv.2 8s spin-averaged data v01_01 (10.34515/DATA.ERG-06001), and definitive orbit Lv.2 v03 data (10.34515/DATA.ERG-12000)."
Matsuoka, A., Teramoto, M., Imajo, S., Kurita, S., Miyoshi, Y., & Shinohara, I. (2018), updated daily. The MGF instrument Level-2 spin-fit magnetic field data of Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Arase satellite, Version v03.03. ERG Science Center, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University. https://doi.org/10.34515/DATA.ERG-06001 Accessed 2020-10-01.
Miyoshi, Y., Shinohara, I., & Jun, C.-W. (2018), updated daily. The Level-2 orbit data of Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Arase satellite, Version v03. ERG Science Center, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University. https://doi.org/10.34515/DATA.ERG-12000 Accessed 2020-10-01.
Yokota, S., Kasahara, S., Hori, T., Keika, K., Miyoshi, Y., & Shinohara, I. (2019), updated daily. The MEP-i instrument Level-2 TOF mode data of Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Arase satellite, Version v01_01. ERG Science Center, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University. https://doi.org/10.34515/DATA.ERG-03002 Accessed 2020-10-01.