
台湾 ERG Mission Science Workshop (2014年4月)

LEP-e観測器は、台湾 (中央研究院 天文及天文物理研究所と國立成功大學) で開発・製造されます。これをふまえて、日本と台湾が共同してERG の科学計画を推進し、成果を上げていくための計画を議論しました。



Session 1 (Chair: Sunny Tam)

時間 発表者 題目
13:30-13:35 Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA) Opening Remarks
13:35-13:50 Masaki Fujimoto (ISAS/JAXA) Opening Remarks and Introduction of ISAS
13:50-14:20 Takeshi Takashima (ISAS/JAXA), Kazushi Asamura (ISAS/JAXA), and Yoshizumi Miyoshi (STEL/Nagoya Univ.) Overview of the ERG project/ERG satellite
14:20-14:40 Yoichi Kazama (ASIAA) A Low-Energy Electron Instrument (LEP-e) on the ERG Mission
14:40-15:00 Ayako Matsuoka (ISAS/JAXA) The magnetic field measurement in the inner magnetosphere (Science topics and ERG/MGF)

Session 2 (Chair: Masaki Fujimoto)

時間 発表者 題目
15:15-15:40 Kazuo Shiokawa (ERG  ground-based observation PI, STEL/Nagoya Univ.) Overview of the ground-based network team of the ERG project
15:40-16:05 Kanako Seki (ERG  modeling PI, ERG -SC, STEL/Nagoya Univ.) Overview of the modeling/simulation team of the ERG project
16:05-16:35 Tomoaki Hori, Kunihiro Keika, and Masafumi Shoji (STEL/Nagoya Univ.) ERG Science Center


Session 3 (Chair: Shiang-Yu Wang)

時間 発表者 題目
09:30-10:00 Yoshiharau Omura (ERG  Science core team, RISH/Kyoto Univ.) Tutorial talk: Non-linear wave particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere
10:00-10:25 Kaiti Wang (NCKU) A multi-band equatorial noise event in the inner magnetosphere: Observations and modeling
10:25-10:50 Chio Z. Cheng (Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences/NCKU) Transport and energization of particles to inner magnetosphere during substorms
11:05-12:00 Yoshizumi Miyoshi (STEL/Nagoya Univ.) Discussion on ERG collaboration and Q&A for the ERG mission