Extremely High-Energy Electron Experiment, XEP

The instrument is on -Y panel.

Measurement Principle

XEP consists of five SSDs for a lower energy range and one scintillator (GSO+PMT) for a higher energy range. XEP also has an anti-scintillator to eliminate contamination from sides.


Nana Higashio (JAXA/RDD)
Haruhisa Matsumoto (JAXA/RDD)

Instrument Specifications

Energy range Electron from 400 keV to 20 MeV
G-factor 0.0088 cm2sr
Angular resolution 20° × 22.5°
Energy resolution SSDs: <20%
GSOZ: <50-60%
Size 317 mm × 250 mm × 174 mm
Weight 5281 g
Power 19.8 W
Data format Table mode (18 ch) - 12 ch: SSD SUM; 4 ch: GSO
List mode (for S-WPIA)
Quasi-real time data (for space weather)