Spacecraft Footprints and Ground-Based Instruments
for 1989-2032

Postscript Files:
Ground Magnetosphere
Spacecraft Footprints and Ground-Based Instruments (upper panels)
- Coordinates are AACGM (altitude adjusted corrected geomagnetic) coordinates.
- The superscript "P" at the end of the name of spacecraft indicates predictive orbit data.
- Footprints of low-altitude spacecraft are shown only in 2 hour plots.
- The geomagnetic field model for mapping is the Tsyganenko 96 (T96) model.
- The altitude of spacecraft footprints is 120 km.
- Input parameters for the T96 model are the solar wind dynamic pressure = 2.1 nPa, IMF By=Bz=0 nT, and Dst=-20 nT (the same as NASA SSCWeb) when OMNI2 data are not available.
- Dash dot lines from the pole indicate midnight meridians at different universal times.
- Light-gray solid fans indicate fields of view of SuperDARN radars at an altitude of 400 km.
- Large black open circles indicate fields of view of all-sky cameras of OMTI, NIPR, THEMIS, etc. at an altitude of ~250 km; small black open circles indicate locations of cameras other than all-sky cameras, such as EMCCD cameras.
- Blue dots indicate the locations of the EISCAT radars.
- Orange and red dots indicate locations of induction and fluxgate magnetometers, respectively.
- Brown dots indicate locations of riometers and/or imaging riomters.
- Light and dark green dots indicate locations of VLF and LF antennas, respectively.
Spacecraft Orbits (lower panels)
- Coordinates are GSM (geocentric solar magnetospheric) coordinates.
- The superscript "P" at the end of the name of spacecraft indicates predictive orbit data.
- Dashed lines indicate the Shue et al. [JGR, 1998] magnetopause model, the Slavin and Holzer [JGR, 1981] bow shock model, and the THEMIS neutral sheet model.
If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please contact
the ERG Science Center ("ergsc-help (at)")
or Y. Miyashita ("miyasita (at)") at ISEE, Nagoya University.
This page is produced by Y. Miyashita, T. Hori, and K. Hosokawa.
The former version was produced by K. Hosokawa, Y. Miyashita, T. Hori, T. Takada, and I. Shinohara
at C-SODA,
JAXA in Japan.
Last Modified: 2024/01/15