This notebook shows how to load and plot Arase satellite data with pySPEDAS and pyTplot.
Please refer to the following website for the details of the data.
It is assumed that you already have pySPEDAS and the latest version of ERG-SC plug-in installed on your python environment. The following commands import some necessary modules for loading and plotting the data.
import pyspedas
import pytplot
from pytplot.MPLPlotter.tplot import tplot # a Matplotlib-based tplot is imported to replace the original one.
You can import the ERG-SC plug-in from either the pyspedas module or the ergpyspedas module. The latter is kind of the bleeding-edge distribution: it always delivers the latest version of sub-modules some of which may still be in an experimental phase. The former, the main distribution of pySPEDAS, contains a stable version of the ERG-SC plug-in.
In this notebook, we use the bleeding-edge version of the ERG-SC plug-in. For example, the data-load module for the MGF data can be imported with the following command:
from ergpyspedas.erg import mgf
With MGF data, let us introduce some basic commands of pyTplot and pySPEDAS, which are used commonly for loading and visualizing data. Also see the official document of the pyTplot module at:
from ergpyspedas.erg import mgf
vars = mgf( trange=[ '2017-03-27', '2017-03-28' ] ) # load MGF Lv.2 8-s data for 0-24 UT on Mar. 27, 2017.
tplot( 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm' )
10-Mar-22 15:10:24: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 15:10:25: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/mgf/l2/8sec/2017/03/erg_mgf_l2_8sec_20170327_v03.04.cdf 10-Mar-22 15:10:25: /Users/horit/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/envs/39_pydarn_pyspedas/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytplot/importers/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison if ydata[ydata == var_atts["FILLVAL"]].size != 0: 10-Mar-22 15:10:26: /Users/horit/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/envs/39_pydarn_pyspedas/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytplot/importers/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison ydata[ydata == var_atts["FILLVAL"]] = 0
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Magnetic Field Experiment (MGF) Level 2 spin-averaged magnetic field data Information about ERG MGF PI: Ayako Matsuoka Affiliation: Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake Cho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606-8502, Japan RoR of ERG project common: RoR of MGF L2: Contact: erg_mgf_info at **************************************************************************
tplot( [ 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm', 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_gsm' ] )
¶pytplot.timespan( '2017-03-27 09:00:00', 6, keyword='hours' )
tplot( [ 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm', 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_gsm' ] )
¶pytplot.ylim( 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm', -300., 300. )
tplot( [ 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm' ] )
¶pytplot.options( 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm', 'ytitle', 'MGF Lv.2 8 s' )
tplot( [ 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm' ] )
¶from ergpyspedas.erg import pwe_ofa
pwe_ofa( trange=[ '2017-03-27 09:00:00', '2017-03-27 15:00:00'] )
pytplot.zlim( 'erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_E_spectra_132', 1e-7, 1e-2 )
tplot( 'erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_E_spectra_132' )
10-Mar-22 15:21:58: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 15:21:58: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/pwe/ofa/l2/spec/2017/03/erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_20170327_v02_01.cdf 10-Mar-22 15:21:59: /Users/horit/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/envs/39_pydarn_pyspedas/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytplot/importers/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison if ydata[ydata == var_atts["FILLVAL"]].size != 0:
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Onboard Frequency Analyzer (OFA) Level 2 spectrum data Information about ERG PWE OFA PI: Yoshiya Kasahara Affiliation: Kanazawa University RoR of ERG project common: RoR of PWE/OFA: Contact: erg_pwe_info at **************************************************************************
¶vars = pytplot.tplot_names()
0 : erg_mgf_l2_epoch_8sec 1 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_dsi 2 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_gse 3 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_gsm 4 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm 5 : erg_mgf_l2_magt_8sec 6 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_dsi 7 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_gse 8 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_gsm 9 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_sm 10 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec 11 : erg_mgf_l2_n_rmsd_8sec 12 : erg_mgf_l2_dyn_rng_8sec 13 : erg_mgf_l2_quality_8sec 14 : erg_mgf_l2_quality_8sec_gc 15 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_dsi 16 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_gse 17 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_gsm 18 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_sm 19 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_epoch_e132 20 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_E_spectra_132 21 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_quality_flag_e132 22 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_epoch_b132 23 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_B_spectra_132 24 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_quality_flag_b132
pytplot.del_data( 'erg_*' )
vars = pytplot.tplot_names()
from ergpyspedas.erg import pwe_hfa, pwe_ofa, pwe_efd, mgf, xep, hep, mepe, lepe, mepi_nml, lepi, orb
pwe_hfa( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='spec' )
pwe_ofa( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='spec' )
pwe_efd( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='spec' )
mgf( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'] )
xep( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='omniflux' )
hep( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='omniflux' )
mepe( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='omniflux' )
lepe( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='omniflux' )
mepi_nml( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='omniflux' )
lepi( trange=['2017-04-05 00:00:00', '2017-04-06 00:00:00'], datatype='omniflux' )
10-Mar-22 16:13:47: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:47: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/pwe/hfa/l2/spec/low/2017/04/erg_pwe_hfa_l2_spec_low_20170405_v01_02.cdf
Conflicting size for at least one dimension Could not create coordinate v1_dim for variable erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu_ev Could not create coordinate v2_dim for variable erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu_ev Conflicting size for at least one dimension Could not create coordinate v1_dim for variable erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu_bg Could not create coordinate v2_dim for variable erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu_bg Conflicting size for at least one dimension Could not create coordinate v1_dim for variable erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_ev_bg Could not create coordinate v2_dim for variable erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_ev_bg ************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Electric Field Data (HFA) Level 2 spectrum data Information about ERG PWE HFA PI: Yoshiya Kasahara Affiliation: Kanazawa University RoR of ERG project common: RoR of PWE/HFA: Contact: erg_pwe_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:50: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:50: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/pwe/ofa/l2/spec/2017/04/erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_20170405_v02_01.cdf 10-Mar-22 16:13:52: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:52: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/pwe/efd/l2/spec/2017/04/erg_pwe_efd_l2_spec_20170405_v02_02.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Onboard Frequency Analyzer (OFA) Level 2 spectrum data Information about ERG PWE OFA PI: Yoshiya Kasahara Affiliation: Kanazawa University RoR of ERG project common: RoR of PWE/OFA: Contact: erg_pwe_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:53: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:53: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/mgf/l2/8sec/2017/04/erg_mgf_l2_8sec_20170405_v03.04.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Electric Field Data (EFD) Level 2 spectrum data Information about ERG PWE EFD PI: Yoshiya Kasahara Affiliation: Kanazawa University RoR of ERG project common: RoR of PWE/EFD: Contact: erg_pwe_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:55: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:55: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/xep/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_xep_l2_omniflux_20170405_v01_00.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Magnetic Field Experiment (MGF) Level 2 spin-averaged magnetic field data Information about ERG MGF PI: Ayako Matsuoka Affiliation: Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake Cho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606-8502, Japan RoR of ERG project common: RoR of MGF L2: Contact: erg_mgf_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:55: /Users/horit/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/envs/39_pydarn_pyspedas/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytplot/importers/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison if ydata[ydata == var_atts["FILLVAL"]].size != 0: 10-Mar-22 16:13:55: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:55: Downloading to /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/hep/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_hep_l2_omniflux_20170405_v03_01.cdf 10-Mar-22 16:13:55: Download complete: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/hep/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_hep_l2_omniflux_20170405_v03_01.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Extremely High-Energy Electron Experiment (XEP) Level 2 extremely high energy electron data Information about ERG XEP PI: Nana Higashio Affiliation: Space Environment Group, Aerospace Research and Development Directorate, Tsukuba Space Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8505, Japan RoR of ERG project common: RoR of XEP: Contact: erg_xep_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:56: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:56: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/mepe/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_mepe_l2_omniflux_20170405_v01_02.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) High-energy electron experiments (HEP) Level-2 omni flux data PI: Takefumi Mitani Affiliation: ISAS, JAXA - The rules of the road (RoR) common to the ERG project: - RoR for HEP data: Contact: erg_hep_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:56: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:56: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/lepe/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_lepe_l2_omniflux_20170405_v03_01.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Medium Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (MEP-e) electron omni flux data PI: Satoshi Kasahara Affiliation: The University of Tokyo - The rules of the road (RoR) common to the ERG project: - RoR for MEP-e data: Contact: erg_mep_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:56: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:56: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/mepi/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_20170405_v02_01.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Low-Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEP-e) Level 2 omni electron flux data Information about ERG LEPe PI: Shiang-Yu Wang Affiliation: Academia Sinica, Taiwan RoR of ERG project common: RoR of LEPe L2: Contact: erg_lepe_info at **************************************************************************
10-Mar-22 16:13:58: Downloading remote index: 10-Mar-22 16:13:58: File is current: /Users/horit/mnt/drobo2020/work/data//ergsc/satellite/erg/lepi/l2/omniflux/2017/04/erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_20170405_v03_00.cdf
************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Medium Energy Particle experiments - ion mass analyzer (MEP-i) 3D ion omni flux data PI: Shoichiro Yokota Affiliation: Osaka University - The rules of the road (RoR) common to the ERG project: - RoR for MEP-i data: Contact: erg_mep_info at ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Low Energy Particle Ion (LEPi) Experiment 3D ion flux data Information about ERG LEPi PI: Kazushi Asamura Affiliation: ISAS, Jaxa RoR of ERG project common: RoR of LEPi L2: RoR of ERG/LEPi: Contact: erg_lepi_info at **************************************************************************
['erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_Epoch', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FHEDO', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FODO', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO_raw', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FHEDO_raw', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FODO_raw']
vars = pytplot.tplot_names()
0 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_Epoch 1 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu 2 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_ev 3 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_bgamma 4 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_esum 5 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_er 6 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_el 7 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_e_mix 8 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_e_ar 9 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu_ev 10 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_eu_bg 11 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_ev_bg 12 : erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_quality_flag 13 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_epoch_e132 14 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_E_spectra_132 15 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_quality_flag_e132 16 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_epoch_b132 17 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_B_spectra_132 18 : erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_quality_flag_b132 19 : erg_pwe_efd_l2_spec_spectra 20 : erg_pwe_efd_l2_spec_quality_flag 21 : erg_mgf_l2_epoch_8sec 22 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_dsi 23 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_gse 24 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_gsm 25 : erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm 26 : erg_mgf_l2_magt_8sec 27 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_dsi 28 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_gse 29 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_gsm 30 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec_sm 31 : erg_mgf_l2_rmsd_8sec 32 : erg_mgf_l2_n_rmsd_8sec 33 : erg_mgf_l2_dyn_rng_8sec 34 : erg_mgf_l2_quality_8sec 35 : erg_mgf_l2_quality_8sec_gc 36 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_dsi 37 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_gse 38 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_gsm 39 : erg_mgf_l2_igrf_8sec_sm 40 : erg_xep_l2_FEDO_SSD 41 : erg_hep_l2_FEDO_L 42 : erg_hep_l2_FEDO_H 43 : erg_mepe_l2_omniflux_epoch 44 : erg_mepe_l2_omniflux_FEDO 45 : erg_lepe_l2_omniflux_FEDO 46 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_epoch 47 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_epoch_tof 48 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FIDO_Energy 49 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO 50 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FHE2DO 51 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FHEDO 52 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FOPPDO 53 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FODO 54 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FO2PDO 55 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO_tof 56 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FHE2DO_tof 57 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FHEDO_tof 58 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FOPPDO_tof 59 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FODO_tof 60 : erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FO2PDO_tof 61 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_Epoch 62 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO_raw 63 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FHEDO_raw 64 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FODO_raw 65 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO 66 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FHEDO 67 : erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FODO
pytplot.timespan( '2017-04-05 00:00:00', 24, keyword='hours' )
tplot( [ 'erg_pwe_hfa_l2_low_spectra_e_mix', 'erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_E_spectra_132', 'erg_pwe_ofa_l2_spec_B_spectra_132', 'erg_pwe_efd_l2_spec_spectra', 'erg_mgf_l2_mag_8sec_sm', 'erg_xep_l2_FEDO_SSD', 'erg_hep_l2_FEDO_H', 'erg_hep_l2_FEDO_L', 'erg_mepe_l2_omniflux_FEDO', 'erg_lepe_l2_omniflux_FEDO', 'erg_mepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO', 'erg_lepi_l2_omniflux_FPDO'])