Geotail Magnetic Field, Electric Field, and Ion Moment
for 1992-2024
LEP/EPIC and LF Waves 4 hours
LEP Et: 8 hours (ISAS/JAXA)
Spacecraft Footprints and Ground-Based Instruments:
High-Lat + Mid-Tail 2 hours
Polar 2 hours (old)
Conjunction Event Finder
Postscript File:
170430 2200-0000 UT
- The PI of MGF is T. Nagai at Tokyo Institute of Technology (see Kokubun et al. [JGG, 46, 7-21, 1994] for details of the instrument).
- The PI of EFD is H. Hayakawa at ISAS/JAXA (see Tsuruda et al. [JGG, 46, 693-711, 1994] for details of the instrument).
- The PI of LEP is Y. Saito at ISAS/JAXA (see Mukai et al. [JGG, 46, 669-692, 1994] for details of the instrument).
- In case of recent, quick-look (QL) data, the phrase "Not for Publication" appears in the background of the plot.
- The time resolution of the MGF and EFD data is 3 sec (one spin); that of the LEP data is 12 sec (four spins).
- The MGF and LEP data and the Geotail locations are in GSM coordinates; the EFD data are in spacecraft (SC) coordinates, which are nearly equivalent to GSE coordinates.
- The red and black lines indicate Editor A and B data, respectively. The Editor-A data are only acquired with the real-time operation in Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC), Japan, while the Editor-B data are continuously recorded in the onboard tape recorders for 24 hours and are dumped to the NASA JPL Deep Space Network (DSN) stations.
- The solid and dotted lines for the ion moments indicate data from the ion energy analyzer (LEP-EAi) and the solar wind analyzer (LEP-SW), respectively.
- LEP-SW ion moment data should be used only qualitatively.
- See DARTS/Geotail and the references for further details.
If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please contact
the ERG Science Center ("ergsc-help (at)"),
Y. Miyashita ("miyasita (at)") at ISEE, Nagoya University, or
I. Shinohara ("iku (at)") at ISAS/JAXA.
This page was originally produced by I. Shinohara and Y. Miyashita
and moved from DARTS
at C-SODA,
JAXA in Japan.
Last Modified: 2023/04/21