Cluster Magnetic Field and Ion Moment (Prime Parameters)
for 2000-2024
C1: Black
C2: Red
C3: Green
C4: Blue
QL Summary: 6 hours (CSDSWeb at RAL)
Spacecraft Footprints and Ground-Based Instruments:
High-Lat + Mid-Tail 2 hours
Polar 2 hours (old)
Conjunction Event Finder
CAUTION!! Figures are NOT for publication.
Postscript Files:
190220 0000-0200 UT;
0200 UT
- The PI of FGM is Elizabeth A. Lucek at Imperial College (see for details of the instrument: Balogh et al., Ann. Geophys., 19, 1207-1217, 2001).
- The PI of CIS is Henri Rème at CESR (see for details of the instrument: Rème et al., Ann. Geophys., 19, 1303-1354, 2001).
- A plot is generated when HIA/CIS is operative on at least either of C1 and C3 and when FGM is operative on at least one of the four spacecraft.
- For FGM, the CP data are used for more than a few years ago, while the UP data are used for recent years.
- The data have 4 sec (one spin) resolution for both CIS and FGM.
- The data and Cluster locations are in GSM coordinates.
- The black, red, green, and blue curves represent the data from the Cluster-1 (C1), C2, C3, and C4 satellites, respectively.
- dB^2/B^2 denotes the sum of the three components of magnetic field variance, normalized by the squared field magnitude.
- The electric current, J, is computed by the curlometer technique [e.g., Dunlop et al., JGR, 107(A11), 1384, 2002] based on the FGM magnetic field measurements with 4 sec resolution; div B/rot B is the ratio between |div(B)| and |rot(B)|, both estimated by the curlometer technique, and can be used as a quality measure of the current estimate.
- The bulk plasma parameters are from the HIA part of the CIS instrument.
- D is the average inter-spacecraft distance.
If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please contact
the ERG Science Center ("ergsc-help (at)")
or Y. Miyashita ("miyasita (at)") at ISEE, Nagoya University.
This page was originally produced by H. Hasegawa, Y. Miyashita, T. Takada, and I. Shinohara
and moved from DARTS
at C-SODA,
JAXA in Japan.
Last Modified: 2023/04/21