Akebono Waves and Electrons
for 1989-2024
Spacecraft Footprints and Ground-Based Instruments:
High-Lat + Mid-Tail 2 hours
Polar 2 hours (old)
Conjunction Event Finder
CAUTION!! Figures are NOT for publication.
Postscript File:
20140731 2200-0000 UT
- PI/Contact: T. Nagai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- References: Nagai et al., Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 199, pp. 177-187, doi:10.1029/2012GM001281, AGU, 2012. and Takagi et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 40, 1491-1497, doi:10.1109/23.273513, 1993.
- Website at DARTS/ISAS/JAXA
- The data are for quick look. Please do not use the plots for publication.
- Both PWS and VLF data may include artificial noise due to the internal calibration etc. Please contact the PI(s) before detailed analysis.
- The white line in the PWS panel indicates the local electron cyclotron frequency. The lines in the VLF panels indicate the local proton cyclotron frequency. These frequencies are calculated from the dipole field.
- The L-value is the McIlwain L derived from the IGRF model.
If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please contact
the ERG Science Center ("ergsc-help (at) isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp")
or Y. Miyoshi ("miyoshi (at) isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp") at ISEE, Nagoya University.
This page is produced by Y. Miyoshi, Y. Miyashita, and T. Hori.
Last Modified: 2023/04/21